The Top Vitamin C Serum Benefits

The Top Vitamin C Serum Benefits

Have you ever used a Vitamin C Serum before? Many people reach for Vitamin C supplements to strengthen their immune system and improve their overall health. But Vitamin C can be highly beneficial for the skin when applied topically as well. If you’re on the fence about whether or not you need to incorporate Vitamin C into your skin care routine, let us tell you why it’s a must-have for everyone!


Vitamin C is one of the most researched and scientifically proven antioxidants when it comes to its effect on the skin. Antioxidants neutralize the damage caused by free radicals from UV rays, pollution and other environmental factors. Over time, these factors can cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and inflammation in the skin. Applying Vitamin C topically can help prevent damage from those environmental factors.

Aside from its protective properties, Vitamin C also has corrective actions. Vitamin C has the impressive ability to stimulate fibroblasts in the dermis to increase the production of collagen and elastin. As the dermis thickens, not only will the skin become plumper, tighter and healthier, but it will also diminish the appearance of fine lines. Therefore, using Vitamin C on your skin can help correct and prevent signs of aging!


There are many benefits to applying Vitamin C topically:

  • Reduce inflammation – when the skin is damaged or if you have sensitive skin, it can often become inflamed and irritated. Further damage can also be done as you start rubbing or touching the area. Fortunately, Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate inflammation.
  • Fades dark spots and brightens skin – dark spots are an indication of aging and photodamage. Topical Vitamin C acts to inhibit the formation of melanin, which decreases the formation of brown spots as you age. Vitamin C can also minimize the appearance of existing brown spots. In addition to fading dark spots, Vitamin C can effectively brighten dull skin. It will leave your skin looking and feeling replenished and rejuvenated!
  • Promotes collagen production – wrinkles arise and develop in the dermis, which is the inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. It is the thickest layer of the skin and is composed mostly of collagen, elastin and protein. It is largely responsible for the skin’s elasticity and resilience. But as we age, the collagen in our dermis breaks down, forming fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, Vitamin C can stimulate fibroblasts in the dermis to increase the production of collagen and elastin. As the dermis thickens again, the appearance of existing fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet diminishes, giving you a more youthful look!


  • Protects skin from sun damage: about 95% of accelerated signs of aging are said to be caused by sun damage. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and naturally has an SPF of about 12. When applied topically it neutralizes the damage caused by free radicals from UV rays. However, Vitamin C should not be used as a substitute for sun protection. The term ‘SPF’ only measures UVB (burning rays) or the time it takes for your skin to burn. As UVA (aging rays) causes aging, there is no way to assign a numerical value to the rate at which your skin will become damaged. This is why it is essential to also use a physical protector that contains micronized Zinc Oxide, the best protector against UVA. Micronized Zinc Oxide is a non-irritating ingredient that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Bonus? It doesn’t leave any white residue on the skin. Our SPF 35 Sunscreen with Vitamin E is a paraben-free and oil-free physical protector that contains micronized Zinc Oxide and Vitamin E. It helps neutralize any free radicals left in the skin by infrared waves or UVA.
  • Creates smoother and healthier skin: Ceramide is a lipid molecule and is the most abundant lipid in the epidermis layer of the skin. Ceramide lipids play a critical role in maintaining the skin’s health by holding the cells closer together to form a protective layer that limits the loss of moisture from the skin. Both aging and sun damage can reduce the effectiveness of ceramides which weakens the skin’s barrier, causing dryness and wrinkles. Topical Vitamin C can stimulate the production of ceramides, keeping the skin smooth and healthy!


Topical Vitamin C can be used to treat the most common skin concerns. This includes fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and skin laxity. Topical Vitamin C is recommended to anyone that wants healthier, smoother, clearer and plumper skin.


Not all Vitamin C Serums are created equal. Different versions of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) act differently on the skin, depending on its absorption and effect. However, pure Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) is difficult to stabilize in skin care products and is prone to oxidation, which is a chemical reaction that changes the form of the molecule, making it less active. The oxidation process of Vitamin C is accelerated when exposed to air, light, or heat. Once oxidized, the serum will no longer be effective.

More stable forms of Vitamin C mean a longer shelf life so you can fully experience the benefits of topical Vitamin C. When looking for a Vitamin C Serum, you should check what form of Vitamin C is in the formula. For example, Ascorbyl Glucoside is a highly stabalized form of Vitamin C. It contains two glucose molecules which act to prevent oxidation. It does not deteriorate from long exposure to heat, light or air, and remains fully active until it is absorbed into the dermis. Once it is fully absorbed into the dermis, Ascorbyl Glucoside (2GAA) breaks down to active Ascorbic Acid.


Yes, you can use Vitamin C Serums around the eye area! Applying Vitamin C under the eyes will not only help brighten, hydrate and tighten the skin in this area, but the collagen-stimulating aspect of Vitamin C can also help with the appearance of fine lines around the eyes! However, as the skin around the eyes is thinner and tends to be extra sensitive, it is important to ensure that the Vitamin C Serum you are using does not contain any ingredients that may irritate.


You should apply Vitamin C Serum daily in the morning after cleansing your skin. As a known antioxidant, it works to neutralize damage caused by environmental stressors, such as UV Rays and pollution. To maximize the effectiveness of your Vitamin C Serum, we also recommend that you pair it with a Retinol Serum! Retinol works to reduce signs of aging by mildly exfoliating and unclogging pores. It helps your skin absorb other skin treatments, such as Vitamin C, more effectively. While both serums aid in anti-aging, Retinol and Vitamin C have very different functions. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that stimulates collagen production. Retinol stimulates collagen and elastin production as well, it is also an exfoliant that rids the skin of damaged cells and helps maintain a healthy skin cell turnover rate to keep your skin looking youthful!

Retinol can increase sun sensitivity as it exfoliates the top layer of the skin, which is why you should use it topically only at night. During the day, it is essential to wear sun protection to help reduce the chances of developing sunburn or any irritation to the skin. Even if you’re only using Vitamin C, you should still apply a physical sun protector every morning.

Our Vitamin C Serum for Face and Eye is an oil-free, highly potent and fast-absorbing treatment containing Matrixyl. Try using this serum daily for all skin types to promote youthful and radiant skin.